Утро пятницы в Meeshkan Machine Learning

pylaver (0.10.3)
>>> send('toosoonsmallcodedoubleplusungood')
                                                    send('wtf?') <<<
>>> send('c733b44a686ec4d7af75e14e0160d375fdae39fe')
                                    send('it must be friday...') <<<
>>> from pantheon import knuth
>>> send(knuth('Being overly eager in the rewriting of code '
'so as to maximize efficiency and speed in the retrieval, storage, '
'and execution of its compiled vicissitude is an act whose '
'repeated doing metaphorically anchors every conceivable '
'manifestation of wrongness, badness and immorality to the ground '
'and from which these dark forces derive their energy.'))
                                     send('ah, yes. true that.') <<<